My Qoop

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit

“It’s Funny, Tom thought – it’s funny, the way the world goes. You take your children and with all honesty you teach them, “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” You give them dancing lessons. You teach them Latin, and how to dress properly. You teach them self-respect, if you can. All these things my father must have learned when he was young, and all these things I learned, and if I can, I will teach all these things to my son. And if I can, I will also teach him to defend his country. If he has to, I hope he’ll be a tough bastard too.”

Tom Rath - P. 97

““I want justice,” he had said. I wonder how many murders have been committed, and how many wars have been fought with that as a slogan, Bernstein thought. When the say that want justice, they always want someone else to get the sharp end of it. Justice is a thing that is better to give than to receive, but I am sick of giving it, he thought. I think it should be a prerogative of the gods.”

Judge Bernstein - P. 136

Wilson, Sloan. 1983. The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit. Four Walls Eight Windows: Canada

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